Nighttime Friends and Foes

Sometimes nighttime is my friend
It holds my tired soul so close
That all I feel is a warm embrace
Holding me as my dreams begin

Friends come and go like seasons
They love you, they move you
They hold you, they talk to you
Then suddenly they disappear with(out) reason

When it is good we say it is great
What do we say when it’s turned cold?
What do we say when it’s a push and a shove?
What do we say when it’s turned irate?

Sometimes I cry as they leave and go
It takes so little time for love to turn angry
It takes so little time for friends to become bitter
Somehow we join as sisters (brothers) and depart as foe

So it is with night time, who was once a friend
Instead of sleep she brings me worry
Instead of love she brings me discontent
Too bad I can’t just tell her to leave because this is the end

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