Land Between the Lakes

Camping is one of my favorite things to do throughout the year.  We started a bit late because between moving and adjusting to our new home with a toddler, it’s been a bit crazy around here.

(Aedan was copying dad cooking corned beef in the dutch oven, except he had a bowl of water and a sponge.)

I recently had a guest post over at Random Recycling was about Sustainable Camping, you all should go check it out!  We employed a few techniques including using cast iron and our reusable plates and reusable forks, spoons, and knives.  The biggest thing I wish we did more of was use the water there instead of our water bottles.  It’s as bad as my bleach obsession!  I have to kick the habit soon.

(This was the view from our campsite.)

Aedan spent a lot of time in either just a diaper or totally naked.  It was a fun experience for him and I was reminded just how much he has grown up.  He also started swimming for the first time, which was such an amazing thing to see and experience with him.

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