Shutting Down (to recoup, rethink, renew, rebuild)

Every once in a while, I get the urge to disconnect from everything. A lot of times this means disconnecting from Facebook for a week or so, but it never really feels like enough.

The month of September is one that I’m hoping to spend focusing on some of my challenges, fears, desires, and goals.

Social media invades my mind constantly, so not only will I leave behind my Facebook but also Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and this blog.

In the mean time, I’ll be working on the renewed version of this blog, and it will no longer be “As We Grow Green”. I’ve been uncertain for sometime about the general direction I wanted to go with this blog, but I think I know now.

It stems from my own need for challenge, balance, and change. So consider this a teaser:

Will you take the dare to live?

Each month, we’ll take the time to delve into a topic and apply it to our lives – from food to fun to love to parenting. My first dare to myself is to disconnect from (most of) the Internet, and plug into a world without wires.

To find what will inspire me. To find what will challenge me. To find what will change me. To find what I want to be.

If you are interested in keeping in contact, my e-mail is

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